Mr George Asimakopoulos
Consultant Cardiac Surgeon
Mr Asimakopoulos has extensive experience in cardiac surgery including coronary artery bypass grafting and aortic valve surgery.
Mr Harpaul (Paul) Flora
Consultant Vascular Surgeon
Mr Flora has significant experience performing endovascular and advanced keyhole surgery for a variety of vascular problems.
Dr Kieran Hogarth
Consultant Neuroradiologist
Dr Hogarth provides reports for cases involving adult and paediatric neuroimaging and has experience attending court.
Dr Priscilla Kent
Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Kent is clinical lead for a Community Mental Health Team in London, where she treats patients with severe mental illness.
Dr Rishi Khanna
Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Management
Dr Khanna is clinical lead for Pain Management. He specialises in spinal, abdominopelvic and neuropathic pain.
Dr Christopher Jenner
Consultant in Pain Medicine
Dr Jenner has been providing medicolegal reports for complex pain cases since 2005 and has extensive courtroom experience.
Mr Patrick McKenna
Consultant Spinal Surgeon
Mr McKenna is a highly experienced expert witness, providing reports for all aspects of spinal surgery including cauda equina.
Mr Alexander Montgomery
Consultant Spinal Surgeon
Mr Montgomery uses microscopes and minimally invasive techniques when performing spinal surgery. He is an experienced expert witness.
Dr Ivan Ramos-Galvez
Consultant in Pain Medicine
Dr Ramos-Galvez combines expertise in spinal surgery and pain medicine, as well as significant medicolegal experience with pelvic mesh pain.
Mr Zaid Sadiq
Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial/Head and Neck Surgery
Mr Sadiq is an experienced expert witness providing reports for cases involving head and neck cancer and tissue engineering.
Mr Pundrique Sharma
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Mr Sharma provides reports for adult and paediatric plastic surgery cases, including nerve injuries, burns and scar management.
Dr Martin Stotz
Consultant in Intensive Care and Anaesthesia
Dr Stotz provides expert reports about anaesthesia, ICU and the clinical management of critically ill patients.
Mr Aswinkumar Vasireddy
Consultant Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon
Mr Vasireddy specialises in the management of complex open/closed fractures and works as a pre-hospital care doctor.