Medicolegal Associates offers expert reports from Consultants in pain medicine with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS):

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is an exaggerated neurological pain response that can often be attributed to a comparatively unremarkable injury. It is regarded as one of the most painful types of pain known but due to the subjective nature of pain, the variety of symptoms experienced and because the symptoms are usually out of proportion to the original injury it can be challenging to diagnose.

The success of a medico legal case relies heavily on instructing a pain consultant with experience in diagnosing and treating the condition to act as an expert witness very early on in the process.

Steps to simplify CRPS cases

  1. Engage appropriate Experts
  2. Obtain a clear Diagnosis and Prognosis
  3. Engage and obtain a report from a Consultant in Pain Medicine who specialises in diagnosing and treating CRPS
  1. Engaging an expert witness

Engaging with the relevant expert witnesses early on in the process will ensure that the patient is appropriately assessed and an accurate and authoritative diagnosis is given. Whether acting for the defendant or the claimant, our experts will assess the impact of the condition on an individual’s daily life, activities, pain, employment and treatment options and produce a detailed report to assist our instructing client and ultimately the court in reaching a judgment.

CRPS can lead to considerable costs for both parties. Therefore, engaging a pain expert from the outset can often assist in achieving an early settlement by utilising the expert’s specialist knowledge and experience in this complex condition.

  1. Obtain a clear Diagnosis and Prognosis

Our pain experts have extensive experience of diagnosing and treating CRPS patients. Their detailed knowledge of peripheral nerve anatomy and the diagnostic tools at their disposal mean that they are able to perform a full clinical examination and thoroughly assess the clinical history of the patient before making a diagnosis.

  1. Obtain a report

Lawyers can find themselves in a difficult position when attempting to prove and quantify CRPS which is frequently misunderstood by medical practitioners without experience in diagnosing and treating this debilitating and complex condition.

Given the complexities of CRPS, in many cases, it is necessary to enlist the expertise of a multi-disciplinary team to help reach a fair settlement figure.

Other experts, you may require:

  • Rheumatologist – to aid in the diagnosis of CRPS
  • Orthopedic Consultant – if orthopedic injuries were sustained prior to onset
  • Psychiatrist – to assess the claimant and rule out any psychiatric/ psychological issues
  • Occupational Therapist – to identify care needs

Our experts provide reports that set out succinct and detailed information to assist the court in reaching a judgment.

Medicolegal Associates offers a guaranteed appointment with a pain consultant within 7 days and a full report within 4 weeks

Read more about CRPS

Contact us now for advice regarding your case

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Burning Nights Charity is a dedicated, award wiBurning Nights CRPSnning charity to raise awareness and support people with CRPS and their families. Medicolegal Associates works with them closely –

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