Experts available via video conference consultations

25 Mar 2020

In the interest of claimant safety and to comply with the COVID-19 guidelines from the government, all of our medical consultations will be conducted by video conference using technology to connect our experts with claimants to carry our medical examinations.

This is in line with accepted practice in the NHS who are increasingly using video conference software for their own patient consultations. Our software is GDPR compliant and the consultation will remain confidential between the expert and claimant in a private setting. Our experts will individually review each case to ensure that a video conference consultation is appropriate and, if required, we are offering a free face-to-face consultation and update to the report they write for you in the 3 months after government restrictions are lifted to provide peace-of-mind, particularly if a case is going to court.

We have prepared some ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ to answer your legal and data protection questions, outline how we will run sessions, the technology we will use and the procedures we will continue to follow to ensure identity checks are completed as part of the consultation. Please get in touch on 0207 118 0650 or if you have any questions we haven’t covered in this document or you would like to discuss a case with our team or arrange an appointment.